Having vision and passion are two necessary components in building success - whether it be in business or in life itself. Without these, success would be almost impossible to attain. The two also go hand-in-hand; without vision it's hard to reach a goal, and without passion there would be no desire to see the vision through. So it's desire that fuels a person's internal motor to greatness.
It is the thing that pumps the adrenaline into a person's system and helps to keep them awake so that they can finish one last task when their body would otherwise give in to sleep.
There are 3 tough questions a real estate investor needs to ask themselves when defining their vision and passion:
What do I love about real estate?
This is where desires are defined. Once that's done, an investor needs to determine how they can mold those desires into attainable goals. Not only are the goals crucial, but they need to be things that the individual truly wants to achieve. If they are, then the burning desire to make them happen will ignite.
The single attribute that every successful person has is the one-pointed determination to attain a goal. It was author and "hierarchiologist" Lawrence Peter that wrote, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else." This is why it's important to have a clear goal and the drive to see it through.
What will success in real estate bring to my life?
Each investor will need to examine the reasons they are choosing their path in real estate. It would be smart to take the time to think about their aspirations. Only each person will know what's right for them; no one else will be able to answer this. What is it that they want to see happen? People consider success and fortune to be different things in their life.
Some do it so they can have enough money to quit their "day job" and others may do it for the freedom it offers. Real estate investors need to decide what they want out of it and then make sure that the goals are things that will be a good fit; what works for one person may not work for their neighbor.
What do I consider success in real estate?
Again, this is another thing that people define differently. The more success a person wants, the more they must be willing to pay for it. It may mean sacrificing more leisure time to get it, or working a few more hours a week. Success is very much like shopping for a new automobile; the higher the price, the higher the quality. Likewise, the higher the price an investor is prepared to pay in their personal life, the greater the success.
As many discover, there is no "magic bullet" to riches. Becoming a success is left up to the individual to work out and almost always requires a great deal of hard work. They just need to decide what that will be and how much they are willing to do to get it.