
Convenience & Flexibility: Online Degrees

It's a true saying: "It's not your father's university any more!" Things have changed - a lot - in the educational world. In the past you went from high school to college and then into your first full-time career position, before starting a family.

All that has changed today. Often people will pursue military service. Perhaps they will fall in love at a young age and start a family. Perhaps they just did not feel ready for college when they were a high school graduate.

Then something happens - the light finally goes on, and they say, "I need more educational training!" But, at that time of life, responsibilities and commitments may make it difficult, if not impossible, to devote 3 to 4 (or more) years to higher educational pursuits. Did you know that the average age of the university graduate is steadily climbing? That means that, more than ever, people are returning to school later in life.

Enter the University of Phoenix. They understood, as few did at that time, that the educational landscape was changing and they needed to change with it. They introduced many innovative approaches to higher education, allowing people with very busy lives and commitments to reach their educational goals online. The folks at the University of Phoenix realize that many adults just don't have the time to give to traditional on-campus attendance, so they have leveraged the Web - and they, via the Internet, bring their classes to you.

The degree programs and course offerings from the University of Phoenix are many and varied. You can pursue courses in Marketing, Management, Criminal Justice, IT, Business, Nursing, Education, Health Care and others. And they are developing new programs of study all the time. And rest assured: all of their instructors hold Masters or Doctorate degrees.

Attending classes through the University of Phoenix, it is actually possible to earn a degree in 2-3 years. And yes, financial aid IS available (for those students who qualify). They offer non-degree programs as well as programs leading to the Bachelor's and Master's degree. Most classes are held on nights and weekends, and major assignments can be completed then as well, so as to minimize disruption to your weekday schedule.

One thing that I absolutely LOVE about the University of Phoenix is that you will be assigned a real, live human being as a contact and resource person. So if you have any questions about their programs, or need to make payment arrangements, or need help in getting enrolled - they are there for you. You can email or telephone them, and they will help you to get off to a great start.

So, what are you waiting for? You know you need more education - even your family and friends have been telling you that. You have the drive. Life has prepared you - you are ready. All you need now is someone to help you realize those educational dreams - and the University of Phoenix is a great school that will help you do just that!