
Early Pregnancy Symptoms: What are They?

There are several early pregnancy symptoms that catch the newly pregnant woman unawares. It is easy to recognize the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy- is this your second or third pregnancy? If yes, then you may tell that you are pregnant. If it is the first, then you may be a little uncertain.

What are these early pregnancy symptoms? They may range from swollen, tender or sore breast/nipples and fatigue, to frequent urges to urinate, to morning sickness and no menstruation. You may experience all or none of them.

The first physical symptom of pregnancy could be swollen or tender breasts or nipples that hurt. Many women in fact rely on this sign to inform them that they are pregnant. Why are breasts and/ or nipples often sore, swollen, or tender during early pregnancy? It is because the breasts are undergoing changes to prepare for breastfeeding. An increased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause this tenderness, and it can be particularly painful if you are pregnant for the first time.

Another early pregnancy symptom is fatigue or unusual tiredness. A woman's body is working very hard to keep up with the changes that occur in early pregnancy. She experiences increased hormone production in the form of the tiredness, when her heart is pumping harder and faster due to an escalating blood flow, to bring the necessary nutrients to the growing fetus. Increased progesterone production is the primary reason for the extra fatigue most pregnant women experience early in their pregnancy. Progesterone is known to cause sleepiness and is a natural central nervous system depressant. This is a period when the pregnant woman also experiences emotional extremes, and her tiredness nay result from that too. You may be well advised to go to sleep as often as you can before your baby arrives when you'll need your energy to care for your newborn baby.

This is the phase when you might miss your period and this is often the first sign that makes you suspect pregnancy. You will need a pregnancy test followed by a pelvic exam, to tell you positively whether you are pregnant. At the same time, you may experience a small spot of blood to throw you off track that this may be menstruation. It is known as implantation bleeding, occurring when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining, about 14 days or so after conception. You might also experience cramping similar to menstrual cramps when your uterus begins to expand to make room for your embryo to grow into a fetus.

Nausea is an early pregnancy symptom and can happen with or without a bout of morning sickness. It can be caused owing to rapid estrogen levels in the blood produced by the fetus and placenta, or owing to odors that may be difficult to breathe for you . From household odors, to foods, to smoke and to perfume, anything can trigger off a bout of nausea. Their may be another reason to increase your frequency of bathroom trips, sudden urges to urinate caused by the growing uterus, and this too may well be an early pregnancy symptom that lasts well into the first trimester.