
Ways to Increase Breast Size Without Surgery

Believe it or not, although most medical doctors and plastic surgeons Will tell you it is not possible, many women HAVE successfully increased their breast size through means other than plastic surgery. This article explores the different ways women have reportedly had success with nonsurgically increasing their breast size, improving breast tone and firmness, and creating an overall fuller look and more attractive bustline through natural means.

A common misconception about natural breast enhancement is that it willonly take weeks or a few months to gain results such as 1-2 cup sizes. This quite simply, is not the case most often since most women who do see success in naturally increasing their breast size do not see considerable results for anywhere from 6-12 months. Also, it is important that the right product is chosen.

Some women may respond to one product or method, while other women may not respond at all. Since everyone's body and chemical makeup is so diverse, it is nearly impossible to guarantee one single products will work the same "magic" on everyone.

Here are some of the ways you can increase your breast size without surgery:

* Herbal natural breast enhancement supplements - There are some good formulas out there that will really work well when used over a period of time and while adhering to the tips and suggestions found on our tips for maximum growth page. Some of the formulas offered out there are really watered down, or actually so unbalanced that they may create more problems than they are worth, so make sure you choose a reputable product with some testimony to back it up.

* Breast pumps or vaccum systems - By now if you've been seeking ways to naturally increase your bustline, you've probably come across a few breast pump or vaccum products that claim to increase breast size. And some of them really do work. Some common complaints and concerns from women who have tried this method are inconvenience and discomfort.

* Hypnosis - Hypnosis tapes using the methodology of mind power and mind over matter have been hailed as a means of natural breast size increase. There have been a few success stories, but approach with caution, since there is not enough evidence or conjecture pointing to the fact that this has worked for enough women yet to deem it worthy of publicity.

* Breast massage - Breast massage for breast enhancement, especially when combined with breast enhancing lotions, serums or creams, as well as an oral herbal supplement, has probably shown the most promise. Contrary to most medical professionals, you will see several forums dedicated to natural breast enhancement where real, every day women share their experience, good and bad, successful and unsuccessful, with various methods and products.

The one common thread is that the women who see the best results have had patience and dedication, and practiced massage, herbal supplementation or growth hormone therapy, like Bountiful Breast, along with bust enhancing serums. These three methods can really work together over time to naturally increase your breast size - it just takes time, dedication, and a few lifestyle guidelines.