even though you may have preferred tropical fish for your indoor aquarium, as soon as it comes to setting up an outdoor pond you may have to fine tune your selections a bit. What works inside might not work outside where the environmental conditions can be harder to keep under control. Lets take a look at some of the more fashionable pond fish for outdoor habitats.
* First, before you even think about putting fish into your pond you should make sure that you turn on the pump and filtration device and let it circulate for at least 5-7 days. This allows for everything in the pond to counterbalance out and also lets you test your gear. Better to find out before you put your expensive fish in the pond that something isnt right! Dont forget to test the pH as well at the end of the 5-7 days.
* Next, the golden rule of thumb is you should allow 24 square inches of pond for every 1 inch of fish. Goldfish and Koi Carp are two of the more popular outdoor fish that people place in ponds. However, if you want to spend a little bit more cash you can also look into getting Japanese Koi and Israel Koi which can add some welcome variety to the pond.
* Once youve made your selection its time to introduce them to the pond. This is a multi-step procedure, and a bit more complicated than adding them to an aquarium. First, float the sealed bag for at least 2-3 hours. This allows the temperatures to come up and match in both the bag and the pond. Next, open the bag and add some pond water to the bag and reseal. Re-float the bag for another 2-3 hours or overnight. Finally, after checking the overall health of the fish, you can release it into the pond.
* Based on what fish you chose, be sure to introduce some aquatic plants to your pond to help them feel more at home. An additional advantage is the plants will also help to balance out your pond ecosystem. Again, dont crowd the pond out with plants but make sure that you have enough to help reduce algae and provide a habitat for the fish. You may also find that over time Mother Nature may also add some of her own plants to the environment!
* Finally, with your new pond up and running and stocked, be sure to keep an eye on how your fish are reacting. Some will take to their new home with ease, while others will require a longer getting acquainted period. The simple truth is some fish just dont do well outdoors, and you may find that you have to change your plans as you learn what species work well outside and what dont.