The liposuction procedures the Chicago Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute performs are unparalleled. Since the founding of the institute, its surgeons have dedicated themselves to staying on top of developments in the field. In fact, they have even pioneered some new techniques and instruments of their own, especially those required for fat removal in tricky areas of the body. That is why for liposuction Chicago is the place to be. Begun in 1981, this superior liposuction destination cannot be surpassed.
It is essential that potential patients be reminded of the fact that liposuction, in particular, is not a quick fix solution to weight gain. Indeed, most qualified specialists will not remove more than ten pounds of fat at any one time. Liposuction, Chicago specialists will tell you, is almost exclusively a body contouring procedure. Ideal candidates for the procedure are men or women in good health, who are active, but cannot effectively reduce the deposits of cellulite in certain areas. Don't be fooled, liposuction is a major medical procedure that cannot be taken lightly.
A liposuction patient is always given anesthesia, whether it is a local injection or an IV drip, depends on the extent of the removal. It is not uncommon for a patient to placed under heavy sedation. Once comfortably anesthetized, a small incision is made. A hollow, stainless steel instrument, called a cannula, is then inserted into the body. The fat is the then sucked out using a medical vacuum pump. Although the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks are popular target areas, it is not uncommon for the face, neck, arms, even the knees, to be drained of fatty deposits.
Since the amount of liposuction Chicago doctors perform on each patient varies, there is no general time frame set for the procedure. It depends on the patient. On some, it can take four to five hours. When a patient wants very large amounts of fat removed, it is advisable to have multiple procedures rather than do it all at one time. Where huge amounts of fat are removed at once, dents in the skin may occur. And naturally, with the increased amount of time, surgical risks are more likely. Recovery from liposuction can takes from two days to two weeks.
If you have fought the good fight and still failed to achieve the body you want, try the liposuction Chicago surgeons excel at. Their artistry is famous the world over.